

New PS4 Pro model appears with Red Dead Redemption 2, by Sohrab Osati

New PS4 Pro model appears with Red Dead Redemption 2, by Sohrab Osati

Analysts predict PS5 will arrive in 2019, by Sohrab Osati

Kingdom Hearts 3 graphics approach Pixar-like quality, by Sohrab Osati

God of War 4K screenshots are everything you'd want them to be, by Sohrab Osati

God of War 4K screenshots are everything you'd want them to be, by Sohrab Osati

PlayStation VR responsible for 30% of virtual reality revenue as demand shifts towards more premium units, by Sohrab Osati

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Kojima publicly questions PlayStation over Death Stranding Director's Cut name

Cloud gaming will not save the video game industry—Part 2

Free PlayStation Plus games for PS3 & Vita to end in 2019, by Sohrab Osati

PS5 teardown video released, Sony Reconsidered